Show HN: Dead man's switch without reliance on your infra
Show HN: Pocache, preemptive optimistic caching for Go
Grokking at the Edge of Linear Separability
A Lisp compiler to RISC-V written in Lisp
Initial CUDA Performance Lessons
DeskPad – A virtual monitor for screen sharing
Run Llama locally with only PyTorch on CPU
The Copenhagen Book: general guideline on implementing auth in web applications
Nurdle Patrol
AAA Gaming on Asahi Linux
The Role of Anchor Tokens in Self-Attention Networks
Scuda – Virtual GPU over IP
Show HN: HTML for People
Show HN: NotesHub: cross-platform, Markdown-based note-taking app
Understanding the Limitations of Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models
AP5 - Declarative Programming Library For Common Lisp (1995)
“Lucky” Fish Could Save Lives (2015)
Archaeologists found an ancient Egyptian observatory
Show HN: Tenno – Markdown and JavaScript = a hybrid of Word and Excel
Game Programming in Prolog
ARIA: An Open Multimodal Native Mixture-of-Experts Model
Helping wikis move away from Fandom
History Of Hacking The Nintendo 3DS (2019) [pdf]
Bridge to Nowhere
A Language of Beautiful Impurity
Ceres: An ocean world in the asteroid belt
Proposal: JavaScript Structs
Join-Accumulate Machine: A Semi-Coherent Scalable Trustless VM
A plain-text way to get your point across quickly and artfully in the browser