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Bear Blog Trending Posts
Microsoft is basically discontinuing Windows. What will happen, then?
3 days ago
How do you deploy in 10 seconds?
2 days ago
You're overcomplicating production
4 days ago
Making a change for the better
2 days ago
A Not So Quiet Swap Back to Bear
a day ago
Stop Optimizing Everything
3 days ago
You Have a Choice
4 days ago
A notícia ruim é que tá hora de trocar seu navegador de internet. A pior é que tem bem pouca opção.
6 days ago
Blogs Are Not Commodities
6 days ago
On being a great gift-giver
8 days ago
I hate my degree
8 days ago
5 days ago
Crafting a Photo-Centric Bear Blog with Embedded Posts
11 hours ago
wake up calls
3 days ago
Privacy is Politics
8 days ago
Why Blogging
6 days ago
On enjoying my work
6 days ago
100 songs to get to know me
9 days ago
Don't say you're too busy to blog
2 days ago
You are not obliged to be deep and meaningful on your blog
10 days ago