China appeals to Japan to halt export restrictions as chip war escalates


May 29, 20232 mins

Computer ComponentsTechnology Industry

Japan’s decision to ban the export of chip-making technology to China comes days after the latter banned the use of semiconductors manufactured by US-based chipmaker Micron.

The US Commerce Department opposed the decision, saying the restrictions have no basis in fact.

In January, the US convinced The Netherlands and Japan to join it in expanding a ban on exports of chip-making technology to China.

According to analysts, Washington’s strategy to strike a deal with the two countries was a significant move, as some of the world’s largest manufacturers of semiconductor manufacturing equipment are headquartered in these nations.

The US too, reportedly, has been in talks with Beijing to repeal the ban on Micron.

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Anirban Ghoshal

Anirban Ghoshal is a senior writer covering enterprise software for and databases and cloud and AI infrastructure for InfoWorld.

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